6 Common Myths about WordPress

There are numerous common myths about WordPress that persist despite it being the most widely used CMS globally. In fact, 43% of websites worldwide are powered by WordPress.

As a software development agency that frequently works with WordPress, we has encountered many such myths. However, reasons to use WordPress are clear, even though it’s open-source and free, which might contribute to these misconceptions.

So, are these common WordPress myths true? Let’s dive into a detailed explanation!

Common Myths About WordPress

Below are some common misconceptions about WordPress. Keep reading to the end if you’re considering building a website with WordPress!

1. WordPress is Insecure and Easily Hacked

A common myth is that WordPress is insecure and easily hacked. Yes, website security is crucial for protecting user data and maintaining a reputation in search engines. Therefore, security is a key factor when choosing technology for a website.

But is it true that WordPress is insecure? WordPress has adequate security protection if you set it up correctly and regularly update it. Here are some tips to keep your WordPress website secure:

  • Always update WordPress to the latest version;
  • Use secure web hosting;
  • Ensure strong passwords are created. Additionally, you can enhance WordPress website security with available security plugins, such as:

2. WordPress is Only for Those Who Can Code

Many still believe that WordPress is only suitable for those who can code. However, you can use WordPress without needing to code, especially since WordPress now uses the Gutenberg Block Editor, allowing even beginners with minimal technical skills to easily create websites.

However, if you’re interested in learning coding relevant to WordPress, you can study the following web development programming languages:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • PHP

3. WordPress is Not Suitable for High Traffic

Some developers think WordPress isn’t suitable for high-traffic websites. In reality, many famous websites with high traffic run on WordPress.

Examples of high-traffic websites using WordPress include Techcrunch, Hipwee, and Variety. Of course, this requires specific configurations. Usually, websites with high traffic entrust their management to professional website management services.

For website development and management, you can trust Syaf, which has over 10 years of experience developing WordPress-based websites. It’s no wonder that government clients, startups, and large corporations collaborate with him.

4. WordPress Doesn’t Support SEO

Another common myth about WordPress is that it doesn’t support Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO is crucial for website development, so it can achieve good rankings in search engines. Therefore, SEO compatibility on a website is an important consideration.

WordPress itself is very suitable for SEO. There are many SEO tools available in WordPress that can help optimize your content and website. Some examples include:

5. WordPress is Low Quality

Many assume that because WordPress is free, the quality of the websites produced is low. This is a prevalent logical fallacy.

WordPress isn’t developed by just one person or a small team. It’s developed by thousands of developers and used by millions of websites. Many developers can contribute because WordPress is open-source, allowing its quality to be checked by everyone.

Thus, big brands like CNN, Microsoft, Adobe, The New York Times, and others use WordPress because they trust its quality is good. So, WordPress’s quality is indeed very good.

Even there are many of the best free WordPress themes that you can use. So, the appearance of your website can look professional and high quality.

6. WordPress is Only for Blogging

One more widely spread myth is that WordPress can only be used for blogging. However, as a CMS used by 43% of the world’s websites, many of these websites are not just blogs.

Indeed, besides blogging, what else can WordPress do? WordPress has many other functions, such as for company profiles and even for e-commerce or online stores.

Yes, you read that right, e-commerce. Because there is a supporting plugin available, WooCommerce. You can also easily and freely install WooCommerce on WordPress.

Still Doubtful About Using WordPress? Those are some common myths about WordPress that still linger in the minds of those who have yet to try WordPress. Issues range from security, SEO, to its utility.

Indeed, achieving high quality sometimes requires the expertise of a competent team to build a WordPress website. If you need a team for WordPress website development, you can collaborate with the experienced team at WDM.

You can also check the cost of creating a WordPress website first to consider your budget. If you need further consultation, you can contact the WDM team through Contact Us. Let’s collaborate!

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